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Will is gone. He hasn’t been seen in months, and the texts coming from his phone are almost certainly forged. Something’s wrong. We need to act now.
Michael is ready to tear down The Cove, Rika’s hiding something, Evans Crist is a threat, and Winter’s father is still out there.
Everyone is off in a million directions, and we’re vulnerable.It’s time to do this.
It’s time to claim our place.
A few years ago, I never thought I’d be here. On board Pithom. Miles out at sea. At a table with Michael Crist, Kai Mori, and Damon Torrance—men I now consider family.
We’ve locked ourselves on this yacht for however long it takes to address our agenda, and we won’t leave until everything is on the table.
Even things I don’t want to talk about. Things Michael doesn’t know.
We will find Will. We will solidify our plans, and we will remove any threats.
If we survive Conclave.
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